Monday, May 18, 2015

Going Forward

As of this point, there have been nineteen posts to the UCC Made Easy blog.  The process has been a great learning experience for me as it has required me to fashion a new way to communicate UCC content.  The problem with the manner in which the material is being delivered is the linear plane on which it must, of necessity, be presented. This is not true of the short story format used in the book which delivers content in a multidimensional manner. By way of illustration, total word count for the nineteen blog posts is about 15,000.  The total word count for the book, counting several long indexes is 135,000.  At the current pace it would take millions of words and decades to deliver the same amount of content.
            Up to this point, a solid basic foundation for approaching all UCC transactions is in place. Following these simple steps consistently will, over time, create literal tracks in your brain that will be activated every time you have a Uniform Commercial Code related problem.  If you have this format in place, you will have a good idea of where to go to find your answer and how to support it.
            The next step in this process will be a review of where we are up to this point in time, and the direction coming.  That is a good process for me and will be a good one for those following along.  That post will be on Thursday.  There will be one upcoming change and that is in frequency of the posts as I must go from two to one post per week.
            The time which will not be utilized for the second post will be utilized to write other things. For example, the problems in the inner cities are something of great concern to me.  I have worked at the front line with many of those currently rising up in the inner cities.  There are solutions to those problems and I feel a responsibility to speak out about them.  When I worked at Los Angeles County Central Juvenile Hall, the kids used to speak about what was coming.  I told them I had been around for the riots in Detroit and in Los Angeles when Rodney King happened.  Their response was…’Rob, no more riots. Next time it will be a revolution’. So, what I see now does not surprise me.  I simply need to do something about it.
            With that stated, I look forward to putting together a comprehensive review on where we are in our Uniform Commercial Code journey for the next post.  The will also serve as a solid foundation for going forward as I envision forays into the various articles of the Code with the constant connection to Article 1.

For more information on the author and book, please visit

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